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Algolia: v1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 of the official Algolia plugin comes with breaking changes to the plugin options that are passed to the Algolia service through medusa-config.js.


In the new version of the Algolia search plugin, two new plugin configuration properties are introduced; transformer and primaryKey. As a result, the way indexes in Algolia are configured has changed. Additionally, the existing settings have been changed to follow a camel casing - though with backward compatibility.

How to Update

Run the following command in the root directory of your Medusa Backend:

yarn add medusa-plugin-algolia@1.0.0

Actions required

As you can see from the new object shape, the property indexSettings has been introduced to hold the settings specific to Algolia’s index options. This has been done to make space for the transformer.

Previously, you might have configured the Algolia plugin as seen below:

const plugins = [
// ...
application_id: "someId",
admin_api_key: "someApiKey",
settings: {
// example
products: {
searchableAttributes: ["title", "description"],
attributesToRetrieve: ["title", "description"],

In the above example, an index products has been configured with two options searchableAttributes and attributesToRetrieve. Updating to v1.0.0 requires you to nest these within the indexSettings. Additionally, the admin API key and application ID options should now be in camel case, as the snake-cased version will be deprecated.

The updated plugin options would look like so:

const plugins = [
// ...
applicationId: "someId",
adminApiKey: "someApiKey",
settings: {
products: {
indexSettings: {
searchableAttributes: ["title", "description"],
attributesToRetrieve: ["title", "description"],

You can learn more about the new plugin options in the Algolia plugin documentation.

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